Ethnic Shiv Parvati Painting

Ethnic Shiv Parvati Painting




₹1,700 Off

(Price Inclusive Of All Taxes)

Product Dimensions: 24x24. Note: Wrapped Canvas and Floater Frame both customizations are available. Pricing may Vary depends on the sizes and Frame selections. 36x36 Big Size

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Delivery By: 04 Feb, Tuesday
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An Ethnic Shiv Parvati Painting beautifully captures the divine union of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, showcasing their timeless bond in traditional, cultural styles. The artwork often features vibrant colors, intricate details, and symbolic elements, such as Shiva’s trident, the crescent moon, and Parvati’s graceful posture. The painting reflects the balance of power and nurturing energy between the two deities, symbolizing harmony, love, and cosmic equilibrium. With its rich textures and classical design, this piece is a celebration of Hindu mythology and the eternal connection between Shiva and Parvati.

An Ethnic Shiv Parvati Painting is a stunning representation of the divine couple, Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, deeply rooted in traditional Indian art styles. This painting often draws inspiration from ancient temple art, classical Indian painting techniques, and rich cultural symbolism to depict the eternal union of Shiva, the supreme destroyer and transformer, and Parvati, the embodiment of love, fertility, and nurturing power. The couple’s serene expressions and intimate connection with each other convey a sense of balance between the masculine and feminine energies, representing the union of opposites that creates cosmic harmony.
